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1. B. A. Ramsey, author of a work in progress, entitled A Sicilian Armour, has his narrator who, in his travels abroad to Sicily, discovers ruins and 'reccurred by prognostication of thought to a time..." It is uncertain what Palimpsestical Memory has to do with this contemporary nonfiction: 
The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophone Fiction and Film Max Silverman.,. 'Isbn:0857458841 - Google Search'. N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.


Prof Max Silverman, The Palimpsest and Cosmopolitical Memory

 xa vision of memory which refuses a competitive identity politics and counters the amnesia of information overload.

In-text: (urban palimpsests and the archive)

Bibliography: urban palimpsests and the archive,. 'Prof Max Silverman, The Palimpsest And Cosmopolitical Memory'. N.p., 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.


Prof Max Silverman, The Palimpsest and Cosmopolitical Memory

 Following Freud’s essay on memory and the children’s mystic writing pad (1925), this vision of memory takes the form of a superimposition and interaction of different temporal traces to constitute a sort of composite structure, like a palimpsest, so that one layer of traces can be seen through, and is transformed by, another. The composite structure which results from this superimposition of different temporal traces is a  of not simply two moments in time (past and present) but a number of different moments and places, hence producing a chain of signification which draws together disparate spaces and times.

In-text: (urban palimpsests and the archive)

Bibliography: urban palimpsests and the archive,. 'Prof Max Silverman, The Palimpsest And Cosmopolitical Memory'. N.p., 2012. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.

1. prognostikos gk. foreknowing
2. progignoskein, pro - before, gignoskein - come to know
3. pro - before and Greek prefix
4. gnostikos gk. knowing, able to discern
5. gignoskein gk. to learn, come to know
6. cnawan O.E. to know
7. witan proto-germanic - 'to have seen' hence 'to know'
8. foreseon O.E. - have a premonition 
9. fore - before
10. seon - see, see ahead
prognostication means to come to know beforehand, able to discern of before; and diferent from foreseeing, which is a premontion, to see ahead, from the earliest time i.e. before the event happens.
prognostication means (merriam-webster) a statement about what is going to happen in the future.
foreknow (merriam-webster) to have previous knowledge of; know beforehand especially by paranormal means or by revelation
foresee (merriam-webster) to see or become aware of (something that has not yet happened)

***addendum*** I suppose for all witan cnawant types the mystery of how any one is privy to the magic required in forming prognostications might be understood, but I withdraw the assertion that I prognosticate or am somehow prognosticative in the entitlement of my poetry or prose, but stick for now in choosing it for my narrator in A Sicillian Armour, a work that has not progressed much beyond the first chapter. It may have been as simple as wheat or meat.

late 14c., from Old French pronosticacion (14c.) and directly from Medieval Latin *prognosticationem (nominative prognosticatio), noun of action from past participle stem ofprognosticare "foretell," from Latin prognostica "sign to forecast weather," from neuter plural of Greek prognostikos "foreknowing," from progignoskein (see prognosis).
progignoskein from pro- "before" (see pro-) + gignoskein "come to know" (see gnostic).
word-forming element meaning "forward, forth, toward the front" (as in proclaimproceed); "beforehand, in advance" (prohibitprovide); "taking care of" (procure); "in place of, on behalf of" (proconsulpronoun); from Latin pro "on behalf of, in place of, before, for, in exchange for, just as," which also was used as a prefix. 

Also in some cases from cognate Greek pro "before, in front of, sooner," which also was used in Greek as a prefix (as in problem). Both the Latin and Greek words are from PIE*pro- (cognates: Sanskrit pra- "before, forward, forth;" Gothic faura "before," Old English fore "before, for, on account of," fram "forward, from;" Old Irish roar "enough"), extended form of root *per- (1) "forward, through" (see per). 
gnostic relating to knowledge," 1650s, from Greek gnostikos "knowing, able to discern," from gnostos "known, perceived, understood," from gignoskein "to learn, to come to know" (seeknow)
know Old English cnawan (class VII strong verb; past tense cneow, past participle cnawen), "to know, perceive; acknowledge, declare," from Proto-Germanic *knew- (cognates: Old High German bi-chnaan, ir-chnaan "to know"), from PIE root *gno- "to know" (cognates: Old Persian xšnasatiy "he shall know;" Old Church Slavonic znati, Russian znat "to know;" Latin gnoscere; Greek *gno-, as in gignoskein; Sanskrit jna- "know"). Once widespread in Germanic, this form is now retained only in English, where however it has widespread application, covering meanings that require two or more verbs in other languages (such as German wissen, kennen, erkennen and in part können; French connaître, savoir; Latin novisse, cognoscere; Old Church Slavonic znaja, vemi). The Anglo-Saxons used two distinct words for this, witan (see wit) and cnawan
wit "to know" (archaic), Old English witan (past tense wast, past participle witen) "to know, beware of or conscious of, understand, observe, ascertain, learn," from Proto-Germanic*witan "to have seen," hence "to know" (cognates: Old Saxon witan, Old Norse vita, Old Frisian wita, Middle Dutch, Dutch weten, Old High German wizzan, German wissen, Gothic witan "to know"), from PIE *weid- (see wit (n.)). The phrase to wit, almost the only surviving use of the verb, is first recorded 1570s, from earlier that is to wit (mid-14c.), probably a loan-translation of Anglo-French cestasavoir, used to render Latin videlicet (see viz.).

foreseen: Old English foreseon "have a premonition," from fore- "before" + seon "to see, see ahead" (see see (v.)). Perhaps modeled on Latin providere. Related: Foresawforeseeing;foreseen. Similar formation in Dutch voorzien, German vorsehen.
Middle English for-fore-, from Old English fore-, often for- or foran-, from fore (adv. & prep.), which was used as a prefix in Old English as in other Germanic languages with a sense of "before in time, rank, position," etc., or designating the front part or earliest time.
 *** addendum *** Prognostication is defined as the action of foretelling or prophesying future events.  In its greek origin it is the word meaning 'foreknowing'; and, to foreknow is to be aware of an event before it happens. While it is true that a vision of memory, that has been termed above as 'palimpsestic', is one that forms a composite structure of disparate places and times, thus informing us of a past that refuses the "competitive identity politics" of the present that one assimilates to and becomes complacent in, for the sake of, perhaps, accomodating one's social group; nevertheless, one who engages in 'palimpsestic memory', must reason that it is process which is initiated in response to an incommensurability with the present times, which has led one to be removed from his or her social group tentatively, to form a gathering of these disparate places and times in the past; however, the complete process depends on a prognostication, or foreknowing, which is a gathering of what has proceeded an event, not necessarily in a linear fashion, but one which recalls also "disparate times and places", that enables one who prognosticates, to not only counter a "competitive identity" that may have been misguided, but to foretell or predict what may occur if that identity is left unchecked, and therefore influence a present circumstance.

I suggest that Max Silverman has attempted 'prognostication', as is a natural process to undertake from an undefined, unknown past, which shall always remain as such, to nevertheless, an outcome or prognosis of what that past shall become with respect to the future, to the one who is 'prognostic'. 

I ask, therefore, whether Palimpsests are tools for prognosis, and I suggest that the Oxford English Dictionary, former to the one now in print, which I believe was complete until the 1980's new edition, does a beginning to define the word, prognostication, of which there are only two references cited.

Unfortunately, I do not have that OED currently at my disposal; however, I am hoping to puchase a copy shortly..

A word, of course, that Oxford has never defined is the heading of this section of  But I suppose, if taken seriously, Oxford could define that word, too. But I'm not sure I can.

Pro-gnos-ti-fi-ca-tion is not far from Pro-gnos-ti-ca-tion,and all Latin to me.
***addendum*** Perhaps when one prognostifies, one is prognostificate in both the noun meaning and verb meaning 

Prognosis is defined in 'Oxford Dictionaries' on-line as,
1The likely course of a medical condition:the disease has a poor prognosis
1.1An opinionbased on medical experience, of the likely course of a medical condition:it is very difficult to make an accurate prognosis
1.2forecast of the likely outcome of a situation:gloomy prognoses about overpopulation
yet referring to 'Prognostic' there is only one sense of the adjective that pertains to medical science; and the general forecast is relegated to an archaic sense, involving omen. It is interesting that 'Prognostic' as it pertains to medical science is more certain under that heading, whereas concerning 'Prognosis' it denotes in "an opinion".

Definition of prognostic in English:


Relating to or serving to predict the likely course of a medical condition:the prognostic importance of the antibody


archaicBack to top  
An advance indication of a future event; an omen:pale moon and watery sun are known as prognostics of rain

Is a  prediction of a likely course of a medical condition, so much more prognostic than an advance indation of a future event; or, an omen?

**addendum*** prognostify could have meaning in the way data of recorded observation in prognoses is assessed.

The Classification of Prognifics As They Pertain to Prognosis In Our Studies Of Medical Science:
Author: B. A. Ramsey
'Prognifics', involving medical data, could one day enable the prediction of a medical condition as it once pertained to the ambiguous term 'Prognosis' .  

'Prognifics' relate to, or serve to, support the likely course of a medical condition, that is the area of Prognostics.

When one 'prognostifies', one 'prognostificates' and is the 'prognostificant'.  Prior to this, was committed the malpractice of 'prognostication', necessarily involving one who prognosticates, and is described as a 'prognosticant'.

The 'prognostificant' should always be called before the 'prognosticant'.

Nor, would the case deserve the specialty of  the 'prognosignificant', but rather endeavor to acquire the result of the 'prognostic-significant.'

Of course, it has been incorrect to say a 'prognostic' is ever significant, for the science of 'prognostics' has entailed this.  

In order to acquire the desired result of the 'prognostic-significant', a measuring of 'prognificant'  data observed in the field of 'prognifics' is required to form 'prognoses'  in 'prognostics'.

Analyses in the field of 'Prognifics'  ought to be gathered by statistical inquiry, and gathered ethically, for the knowledge of Statistics accumulates data from known sources and polls frequencies, which could perhaps enable the Medical Doctor to form a more useful opinion with respect to 'prognosis' one day.

2.(a)  Is Max Silverman 'liberal' in the implied context of B. A. Ramsey's first chapðter. I suggest this is not an unfair question to ask.  

The Holocaust and Colonialism in French and Francophone Fiction and Film Max Silverman.,. 'Isbn:0857458841 - Google Search'. N.p., 2015. Web. 17 Feb. 2015.
 I do not doubt that the full title is noted in the reference, but his title is indulgent - to suggest memory is ever palimpsestic is "liberal indulgence of a prolifigate...kind". The most prolifigate, I withold, because I don't know the author, and have know right to accuse him of being licenteous.  Certainly, wasteful of a resource, unless he discovers in his subject a palimpsest, or palimpsests, which I defend by my own definition  (see Define Palimpsest).

Is sa palimpsest liberal? It is, if liberal is the willingness to part with tradition for new opinions or behavior, and is defined by google as such.For, the definition of the adjective liberal is not far from how the word palimpsest has been defined elsewhere. One wonders if they are synonyms!  I suggest a liberal palimpsestic contemporary literature exists, therefore; but, I deny B. A. Ramsey is Palimpsestic in that sense. But I am presently at a loss for an adjective which could qualify palimpestical's home page assertion that only recognizes palimpsestical literature in a broad sense, and fails to define a difference; but, of course, it is obvious.

Presently, therefore, I state that this website, with respect to B. A. Ramsey, contains example's of "Contemporary Prognosticative Palimpsestic English Literature", and shall hope to find birds of a feather.
Supranaturalism = Supernaturalism 1913 Webster, Britainica

Supernaturalism,  a belief in an otherworldly realm or reality that, in one way or another, is commonly associated with all forms of religion.

Evidence of neither the idea of nature nor the experience of a purely natural realm is found among primitive people, who inhabit a wonderworld charged with the sacred power (or mana), spirits, and deities. Primitive man associates whatever is experienced as uncanny or powerful with the presence of a sacred or numinous power; yet he constantly lives in a profane realm that is made comprehensible by a paradigmatic, mythical sacred realm. In the higher religions a gulf usually is created between the sacred and the profane, or the here and the beyond, and it is only with the appearance of this gulf that a distinction becomes drawn between the natural and the supernatural, a distinction that is not found, for example, in the classical religious traditions of Greece and China. Both the Olympian deities of ancient Greece and the Tao (“Way”) of ancient China were apprehended as lying at the centre of what today is commonly known as the natural; yet they were described in language that was imbued with concepts of the sacred.

Paradoxically, the most radical division between the natural and the supernatural is established by those forms of religion that posit a final or ultimate coincidence between the natural and the supernatural, or the sacred and the profane. This is true both in Indian mystical religion and in Near Eastern and Western eschatological religions, which are concerned with the last time that inaugurates a new sacred age. Buddhism, from its very beginning, established a total distinction between the realm of life and individual (saṃsāra), which it identified interiorly as the arena of pain and suffering, and the goal of the Buddhist way, Nirvāṇa, which is understood in wholly negative terms as a final and total release from saṃsāra. As Buddhism developed in India, however, and did so in part by way of making the distinction between Nirvāṇa and saṃsāra ever more comprehensive and pure, it gradually but decisively reached the point of identifying Nirvāṇa and saṃsāra, and this identification, according to some scholars, became the foundation of Mahāyāna (“Greater Vehicle”) Buddhism.

Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islām, which emphasize eschatology (the doctrine of last times), posit a radical dichotomy between the old aeon and the new aeon, or this world and the Kingdom of God. While normative Judaism cast off eschatology, although it was reborn in a mystical form in the Kabbala (Jewish mysticism), Christianity arose with an eschatological expectation of the immediate coming of the Kingdom of God. Primitive Christianity identified Jesus with the eschatological figure of the Son of man, a divine redeemer whose coming would inaugurate the Last Judgment and the end of the world. This early Christian faith went hand in hand with the belief that all things whatsoever will be transfigured into the Kingdom of God. Such a form of faith refuses to accept the world as simply world or nature but rather understands both nature and history as constantly undergoing a process of transformation that will issue in a wholly new creation or new world.

The secularization of modern Western civilization has created a gulf between the natural and the supernatural because of modern conceptions of the physical universe as being controlled by scientifically knowable and predictable laws and as existing apart from the influence or control of God. Hence, the world becomes a profane reality that is wholly isolated from both the sacred and the supernatural

I think supranaturalism could really take off if students and specialists from each one's own field of study , as well as theologian's from all religions of the world contributed to this body of knowledge, which I don't think is really new age, but a reasoning in Christianity that narrowly puts that if you are a member of the wrong church, you will still be forgiven for  forgivable worship, and not far from there is the suggestion that other's may be informed of the sacred as well as any genuine person might be, and recognize something in common outside of the elect.(I don't mean by in common, a prayer book) 

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