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Primitive, Peace.


The Enterance Of Thee, New-Year

Sing reign of Fair Maid

With gold upon her toe-

Open you the West Door

And let the Old Year go.

Sing reign of Fair Maid

With gold upon her chin-

Open you the East Door

And let the New Year in.


The Argument


The room is bare of trees; we listen, vaguely,

To the sound of two, unhappy children, whispering, quietly.

Their conversation inclines; obscurely, by the morning,

Under the endless, white, canopy, that shivers and rises...

Outside, the wintered, birds' reapproach,

Their benumbed wing, that is; under your dull, heavens...

~ And, the New Year at, the dim, beveled, room,

Discards the folds, of the train, of her snowy robe;

Exits, with lament; and, sings with shivers.


Now the children, under the fluctuating canopy,

Speak of sapiens, what was made, in the night, sapiently;

They listen, thoughtfully, like to a distant rumbling,

They frequently thrill, at the clear tone

Of the bells, early rising, who hit and hit

Again, their metallic reminders,

Within this, world of glass...

~ Afterward, the room is iced, ices;

We see her, train at earth,

Slough off, some layers, some clothes of sadness,

Winter's aspirations, those Winter laments, at their threshold,

Expiring, in the proof of, his murky breath,

We feel, in all this, that Winter, needs, something...

Is he not, accordingly, out of Mother? Out of Mother,

At the brisk smile, at these triumphant, eyes?

She has, respectively, forgotten, the night, alone, and inclined

To stir up the flame, pulled up, at the ashes,

To heap up, on them, the wool and the eiderdown,

Before they leave off, with their crying, 'foregiveness, forgiveness.'

She has not, foreseen the indifference, the morning coldness,

Nor, aptly, closed the threshold, at the North Wind's bitterness...

~ The motherly dream, it is the soft rug,

It is the soft nest, to where, thee children, rug-like

To thee, beautiful birds that balance, with the branches,

Sleep, with their quietude, sleepwalking, bare, of pure visions;

And there it is, like a nest without feathers, without warmth,

To where the little children are cold, cannot sleep, are scared;

A nest which, borrows, has iced, the North Winds, bitterness.


Your heart has understood: these children are without, Mother.

Please! Of Mother; at home, and the Father is, a distant, rumbling...

Your heart is an old servant; therefore, with a frozen care,

The children are not all alone with the iced house...

Thee, New Year! Of four, here is, that, with their thought,

Awakening, by degrees, a pleasing reminder...

Mother and Father makes two,

The North Wind is shale, into the sleeping nest, which waxes

In the night, and thee, proof of the bells,

Sharply, reprimanding, its presence,

Have waned, beneath the wooded world,

Beneath a canopy of white...

~ Mother is one, and Father is, too.

He wanders, in a twofold path which assembles,

Each, a five-foot way, true.


The first is in a coming, and the second is in a taking away...

~ In his absence, he is said to be wandering;

In the taking away, he is standing still.

~ Motion has disclosed itself; and, under the canopy,

Within, what remains of the night,

Comes the place...

Thee children, think!

That is a coming toward, and motion makes three!

Body... thought... action... three after place.

Children are, when they are without Mother, enterprising,

Are, a, to a distant rumbling, welcome thought,

And, thinking, Winter has his troubles, too...

~ That solitude that sheds his skins, revealing untowardly suffering,

While creeping through a vale,

Midwinter, upon its hairy belly,

He finds to his dismay, that, with what he has aspired,

Leaves buried beneath his canopy of white,

His remnants,

Leaves buried beneath his canopy of white.

We can ask, without approval or fear,

Of reprimand, why does he bury what he most seeks?

And, seeking disclosure, disclose nothing!

By covering, shivering, and song!


The children preen his skin and shape his hoary estimations,

Leading him finally to disclose his fixedity...

The birds are no help, they are disclosed by him!

~ The empty nest that hangs in the branches,

A home for last season, discloses the frozen feathers

That the benumbed wing hides,

~ In the falling is a reaching up...

Winter's aspirations, the flakes he shakes from his body,

Beneath a canopy of white,

Lay waste to the discarded remnants of last season!

~ On the silver branch, it hangs like a bat,

The promise of a birth; he turns, in his murkiness,

Pushes... pulls... lets drop his robe that reaches up... up... up...

~ He stretches in the cold, descends his remnants,

And he flies! He discloses his wings...

~ Wings, the colour of the season that is promised,

Frail, to the happenstance, and the birds that seek him,

And he that seeks the foliage of their house

Inside, the children espy...

~ We are now aware, from the nodding heads of the children,

That Father has been motionless for sometime;

Out of doors, alone on the ridge,

He makes, when he stands on this ridge,

The passing days, of homage, what was said in the night;

He espies the nest, beneath the covers of the dawn,

Under the canopy, frail, this season;

Last, a comforting reminder, a home, a birth...

Trenchant dawn; in the sharp outline, a vigorous birth...

A welcome change to his murkiness!

~ O Vile Day! O Trenchant Night!

We watch thee, falling, listless, train

Discarded, by her show, a shaking; of the canopy

One torn branch and twigs dissembled...

~ Why does this New Year lament?

Her folding into folds, Her robe,

She makes the children watch her destruction...

~ There is always, new with the year,

New with the time, new with certainty,

A Place for the canopy, and a man espying

Thee New Year, will avenge her,

Murdering birds, and sew new words...


Referring to an individual object,


Dimensional extent,

To have or take Place in the world of fact,

To exist,



Without covering,

Indicating a situation, condition, or state,

The departure from, or emergence out of which, is figured as

(And often accompanied by) actual movement,

Of the substance of the trunks and boughs of trees,

Wood (especially as a material of which things are made),


We hear attentively,

We give ear to,

Without attention or concentration of mind or Thought,

Idly, vacantly,

Expressing the relation of purpose, destination, result, effect,

Resulting condition or status,

Marking an object as before mentioned

Or already known or contextually particularized,

The sensation produced in the organs of hearing when

The surrounding air is set in vibration in such a way as to affect these,

Indicating the Place or quarter whence Action is directed,

The cardinal number next after one, one added to one,

Denoted by the symbols 2 or II,

Of persons (or animals) causing misfortune or trouble (to oneself or others),

Objectionable or miserable on this account,

With reference to state or age the unborn or newly born

Human beings, fetuses, infants,

The Action of speaking in a whisper,

Speech without vibration of the vocal chords,

Whispered talk or conversation making no stir,

Commotion or noise causing no trouble or disturbance,

Remaining at rest, not moving or Acting.

Of belonging or pertaining to them,

Interchange of Thoughts and words,

Familiar discourse or talk,

Bends (the heart, mind, will, etc.),

Towards some course or Action,

Gives a mental leaning or tendency to (a person),


Without clearness of form or outline,

Indistinct, undefined, hardly perceptible,

To the eye faint 'light' at the side or edge of,

In the vicinity of, near, close to, beside,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

The early part of the daytime ending at noon or at the hour of the midday meal,

Below, down below, beneath,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Having no definite extremity or terminal point of length,

White colour or hue,

White colouration or appearance,


A covering,

An over-hanging shade or shelter,


That breaks or splits into small fragments or splinters,


Moves upwards, ascends, transfers to a higher level.

That side of anything which is without or farther from the interior,

The external surface,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)


Feathered vertebrate animals,

A member of the second class of the great Vertebrate group,

The species of which are most nearly allied to the Reptiles

But distinguished by their warm blood, Feathers,

And adaptation of the fore limbs as wings

With which most species fly in the air,

To approach again.

Of or belonging to themselves,

Rendered torpid or numb, deprived of strength

Or the power of motion by a chilling influence,

Each of the organs of flight of any flying animal as a bird, bat, or insect,

That, that which,

What is



Of or in reference to, physical qualities as sound or luminosity,

Sound, taste, not clear, bright, vivid, or intense,

Obscure, dim, indistinct, muffled, flat, insipid,

The expanse in which the sun, moon, and stars are seen

Which has the appearance of a vast vault or canopy overarching the earth,

On the 'face' or surface of which the clouds seem to lie or float,

The sky the firmament,

By the side of,


Along with,

In addition to,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known or contextually particularized,

The coming year,

The year about to begin,

The commencement of another year,

The first few days of the year,

The most general determination of simple localization in space,

Expressing strictly the simple relation of a thing

To a point of space which it touches,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Of a light or an illuminated object, faintly luminous,

Not clear, somewhat dark, obscure, shadowy, gloomy,

Made or cut to a bevel, sloped off,

An interior portion of a building divided off by walls or partitions,

Especially a chamber or apartment in a dwelling-house.

Casts off,

Casts aside,



Gives up,

Referring to an individual object (or objects),

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known,or contextually particularized,

The surface of the earth,

The ground,

A layer of 'thickness' (of cloth, etc.),

A coat

(of an onion)

Indicating the thing, Place, or direction whence anything

Goes, comes, or is driven or moved from,

Away from,

Out of,

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known or contextually particularized,

An elongated part of a robe or skirt trailing behind on the ground,

Commonly worn by women of rank or fashion when in full dress,

And by sovereigns and high officials on state occasions,

And sometimes borne by a page or attendant as "train bearer",

Belonging to a person or thing as a quality or attribute,

The female being in question,

Of weather, Time etc.,

Characterized by the presence or prevalence of snow,

A long loose outer garment reaching to the feet or the ankles,

Worn by both sexes in the Middle Ages and still by men of some Eastern Nations,

A gown.

To make one's exit,



To disease,


Expressing a general relation to a person or thing

Usually as affected in some way by the Action etc.,

Spoken of, in the matter of, in regard to, towards,

To, at, upon, about, concerning,

In regard to the condition

Or fortune of an act of lamenting,

A passionate or demonstrative expression of grief,

By the side of,


Along with,

In addition to,

To articulate or utter words or sounds in succession

With musical inflections or modulations of the voice

So as to produce an effect entirely different from that of ordinary speech,

To do this in a skilled manner as the result of training and practice,

Expressing simultaneous occurrence and association,

Often also implying causal connexion,

At the same Time as,

At the Time or instant of,

On the occurrence of (often with implication 'and because of')


On ,


A fragment, chip, splinter.

At the present Time or moment,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known or contextually particularized,

With reference to state or age the unborn or newly born human beings,



Having a lower or underlying Place or position,

Lying beneath or at a lower level,

Referring to an individual object (or objects),

Moving as or in waves,

Irregularly rising and falling,

A covering,

An over-hanging shade or shelter,

To mention or discourse upon in speech or writing,

Indicating the thing or person whence anything originates, comes, is acquired or sought,

Appollo that the poietis calls the god of sapiens.

Book II

That which, the thing which, what was, something past,

Produced or obtained by 'making'

As distinguished from other modes of origin,

Or acquisition of, a Place or position in space

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within (any Place

Or thing) marking an object as before mentioned

Or already known or contextually particularized,

The period of darkness which intervenes

Between day and day, that part of the natural day (of

24 hours) during which no light is received

From the sun, the Time between evening and morning,

The darkness which prevails during this Time,

The dark in a sapient manner, wisely.

They hear attentively, to give ear to, to pay attention

To (a person speaking or what was said)

In a Thoughtful manner, with Thought or consideration,

Kindly, having the same characteristics or qualities

As some other person or thing,

Of approximately identical shape size colour

Character etc., with something else, similar

Resembling analogous, expressing the relation

Of contact or the like,

A standing lying or taking place, afar off,

Not near at hand, remote, rumbling.

They at frequent or short intervals,

Often, repeatedly, to affect or move with a sudden wave

Of emotion, introducing what is at once

The exciting cause and the object of active emotions,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, of sounds voice, ringing

Pure and well-defined,

Unmixed with dulling or interfering noises,

Distinctly audible, a sound of definite pitch

And character produced by regular vibration of

A sounding Body, a musical note of, referring

To an individual object (or objects)

A hollow Body of cast metal formed to ring

Or emit a clear musical sound by the sonorous vibration

Of its entire circumference when struck by a clapper

Hammer or other appliance, belonging to the first part

Of the morning that exists takes Place

Or does something in the early part of the morning,

The Action or state of ascending, upward

Movement or course, ascent,

Who to reach or get at with a blow,

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

To reach or get at with a blow

In the opposite direction, back,

Of belonging or pertaining to them, also reflexive,

Of or belonging to themselves,

Made of metal, something which reminds

Or is intended to remind one, mention made

For the purpose of reminding in the limits

Of or in the inner part of a space or region,

Especially a city or country in the Place or realm,

Indicating a thing or person present or near (actually

In space or Time or ideally in Thought, especially

As having just been mentioned and thus being present

To the mind) specifically as being nearer

Than some other (hence opposed to "that")

The earth and all created things

Upon it, the terraqueous globe

And its inhabitants, indicating the material or substance

Of which anything is made or consists,

Applied to water as a mirror.

Of Place: behind after,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, an interior portion

Of a building divided off by walls or partitions,

Especially a chamber or apartment in a dwelling house,

Is covered with ice, cooled by means of ice,

Frozen water, water rendered solid by exposure

To a low temperature, we, to perceive

(Light colour external objects and their movements)

With the eyes or by the sense

Of which the eye is the specific organ,

The female being in question, that which drags

Or trails or is trailed,

Local position, answering the question "Where?",

The ground of diseased skin tissue etc.,

To come away or off, to be shed,

Expressing separation from attachment contact or position,

One or other, an undetermined or unspecified,

A thickness of matter spread over a surface,

Especially one of a series of such thicknesses,

A stratum course or bed,

One or other, an undetermined or unspecified covering,

For the person wearing apparel dress raiment vesture,

Indicating a situation condition or state,

The departure from or emergence out of which is

Figured as (and often accompanied by) actual movement,

The condition or quality of being sad,

That man was no more than a voice in the white winter of his age.

Book III

That which is breathed out, an exhalation,

Steadfast desire or longing for something above one,

Indicating things or persons as known to be such

As described, Winter, to express profound sorrow

For or concerning, expressing,

Strictly the simple relation of a thing to a point

Of space which it touches, of belonging or pertaining

To them, also reflexive, of or belonging to themselves,

Border limit (of a region) the line which one crosses

In entering that breathes out air from the lungs etc.,

Of condition or state physical mental or moral,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, that which makes good

Or proves a statement, evidence sufficient

(Or contributing) to establish a fact or produce belief

In the certainty of something, expressing separation

From or of a property possession or appurtenance,

Of him, of the male being or thing in question,

Of air mist clouds etc., thick dark, of gloom,

Darkness, intense breath,

We felt like one half-waken'd from a midnight dream of blood.

Book IV

Belonging to as an internal quality

Attribute faculty or capacity

Inherent in, hence within, the ability capacity Thought

Etc. of all,

Indicating a thing or person present or near

(Actually in space or Time or ideally in Thought,

Especially as having just been mentioned

And thus being present to the mind)

Specifically as being nearer than some other

(Hence opposed to "that")

Indicating a person or thing assumed to be known,

Or to be known to be such as stated, Winter's

Necessity, arising from the facts or circumstances

Of the case,

Some unspecified or indeterminate thing

(Material or immaterial).

Is, of him, of the male being or thing in question,

Naught nothing harmoniously agreeably correspondingly

Expressing motion or direction from within a space

Or from a point considered as a centre,

Indicating the thing Place or direction

Whence anything goes comes or is driven away from,

Out of, a female parent, a woman who has given birth

To a child, local position, answering the question

"Where?" (passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

Denoting things or persons actually or ideally present

Or near, especially those that have just been mentioned,

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Apparently originally always used

In relation to the mother

As the 'fruit of the womb.'

Expressing motion or direction from within a space

Or from a point considered as a centre,

Indicating the thing Place or direction

Whence anything goes comes or is driven away from,

Out of, a female parent, a woman who has given birth

To a child, local position answering the question

"Where?" (passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, sharp or smart

In regard to movement (in a praiseworthy sense)

Quick and active, lively, an Act of smiling,

A slight and more or less involuntary movement

Of the countenance expressive of pleasure amusement

Affection etc., or of amused contempt disdain

Incredulity or similar emotion,

Local position answering the question,

"Where?" (passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

Denoting things or persons actually or ideally present

Or near, especially those that have just been mentioned,

Splendid glorious magnificent noble notable,

Attributed to heaven the sun etc.,

"The eye of the day" equaling the sun,

"The eyes of heaven of night" equaling the stars.

The female being in question

Has relatively to each of several persons or things,

Individually singly separately, each to each,

Severally omitted or neglected through inadvertence.

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the period of darkness

Which intervenes between day and day,

That part of the natural day (of 24 hours)

During which no light is received from the sun,

The Time between evening and morning, quite by oneself,

Unaccompanied solitary, by the side of, besides,

Along with, in addition to, having a mental bent

Tendency or propensity towards a particular object,

Favourably disposed, in the mood or mind for something,

Expressing the relation of purpose destination result

Effect, resulting condition or status, to set in motion,

Agitate, to push poke, so as to displace

Disturb or mix the parts of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

When the consuming flames had wrapt ye round.

Book V

Dragged out of the ground

Or from where it is rooted or set

With the object of removal or destruction,

Rooted out, demolished,

Local position answering the question "Where?"

(Passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the powdery residue

Composed chiefly of earthy or mineral particles

Left after the combustion of any substance.

Indicating result effect or consequence

So as to produce cause or result in,

To amass accumulate, to add many things together

Or one thing to another,

Of position above and in contact with,

Above and supported by,

Upon them,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

As the material of the thread

Spun and cut by the Fates,

Before, in presence of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the small soft feathers

From the breast of the eider duck,

In advance of,

Ahead of,

The persons or things in question or last mentioned,

To cease from,

Discontinue (an Action) abandon (a habit)

With their exclaiming shouting clamorous roaring,

Wailing weeping, situated or appearing in front

Of something else, anterior previous former,

The Action of giving,

The Action of forgiving,

Pardon of a fault,

Remission of a debt.

The female being in question has not,

To be or become mad or frantic,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, absence of feeling

For or against, hence especially absence of care

For or about a person or thing, want of real interest

Concern or attention,

Unconcern apathy,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the early part

Of the daytime ending at noon or at the hour

Of the midday meal, want of warmth

Of feeling or cordiality, indifference apathy.

Nor with exact adjustment, well-fittingly made, close shut,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, border limit

(Of a region) the line which one crosses in entering,

Local position answering the question "Where?"

(Passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, of the Wind blowing

From the North,

Winter roll'd with Limbs relax'd Along the Land.

Book VI

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, in a motherly manner,

A vision of the fancy

Voluntarily or consciously indulged in when awake

(Especially as being unreal or idle)

A visionary anticipation reverie castle-in-the-air,

It is referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, of weather seasons etc.,

Free from storms or rough winds, genial mild balmy,

Of cloth hair or similar substances

Of a yielding texture pleasant to the feel or touch,

Also capable of being easily folded

Or put into a different form, flexible,

A square or oblong mat for the floor

Usually of thick or shaggy stuff,

It is referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, of a bed pillow etc.,

Readily yielding to the weight of the Body,

Into or upon which one sinks or settles down


The structure made or the Place selected

By a bird in which to lay and incubate its eggs

And which serves as a shelter for its unfledged young,

Expressing direction, in the direction of, towards,

In or at (one another etc.) Place,

Thee, the unborn or newly born

Human beings, fetuses infants, apparently originally

Always used in relation to the mother

As the 'fruit of the womb',

A square or oblong mat for the floor

Usually of thick or shaggy stuff,

Having the same characteristics or qualities,

As some other person or thing

Of approximately identical shape size colour

Character etc. with something else similar resembling

Analogous, indicating addition attachment accompaniment

Appurtenance possession, thee, excelling in grace of form,

Charm of colouring and other qualities

Which delight the eye and call forth admiration,

Adoption of, adopted from, of the human face or figure,

Feathered vertebrate animals,

A member of the second class of the great

Vertebrate group, the species

Of which are most nearly allied to the Reptiles

But distinguished by their warm blood,

Feathers, and adaptation of the fore limbs as wings,

In peace eat that ye have.

Book VII

To bring to or keep in equilibrium,

Towards, in the direction of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known,

Smaller than a bough and larger than a shoot or spray,

A period or occasion of slumber,

Towards, in the direction of,

Of belonging or pertaining to them, also reflexive,

Of or belonging to themselves, rest calm tranquility,

One who walks while asleep,

A somnambulist, without covering,

Indicating the thing Place or direction whence

Anything goes comes or is driven or moved from,

Away from, out of, free from admixture of anything debasing

Or deteriorating, unadulterated uncorrupted uncontaminated,

Conforming accurately to a standard of quality or style,

Faultless correct, a mental concept

Of a distinct or vivid kind,

An object of mental contemplation,

Especially of an attractive or fantastic character,

A highly imaginative scheme or anticipation,

Of local relation, before, in presence of,

In or at that Place (country region etc.)

Pointed to, indicated, or referred to

And away from the speaker,

The opposite of here it is,

Having the same characteristics or qualities

As some other person or thing

Of approximately identical shape size colour

Character etc., with something else similar

Resembling analogous, one some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness being implied

Rather than asserted, the structure made or the Place

Selected by a bird in which to lay

And incubate its eggs and which serves as a shelter

For its unfledged young,

With absence of, not with the presence or addition of,

Not having with it or with one,

Not accompanied by, not combined or associated with,

Not having in one's charge,

Not carrying or wearing feathers.

With absence of, not with the presence or addition of,

Not having with it or with one,

Not accompanied by, not combined or associated with,

Not having in one's charge,

Not carrying or wearing

A moderately hot or pleasantly heated state

Of the atmosphere, especially as an essential

Of physical comfort and well-being,

A temperate heat radiating from the sun, a fire etc.,

Expressing motion directed towards and reaching,

To the (or a) Place in or at which,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, little,

With reference to state or age, the unborn

Or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Apparently originally always used in relation

To the mother as the 'fruit of the womb'

Are said of light not accompanied by heat,

Cannot to take repose by the natural suspension

Of consciousness, to be in the state of sleep,

To slumber, are being

Scarr'd from thence by the pangs and gripes of a boyling conscience.


One some any, the oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted, a Place in which

A person (or personified thing) finds rest

Or has residence, a lodging shelter home bed, etc.,

Especially of a secluded or comfortable nature,

A snug retreat which to render oneself indebted

For, to make temporary use of (something not one's own)

Used for example of temporal possessions

With notion of their being only "lent" to us,

Not given more usually of immaterial things as

To adopt (Thoughts expressing modes of conduct)

From another person or (words idioms customs, etc.)

From a foreign language or people,

To obtain (a temporary favour) by request, to derive

(One's authority etc.) from another as opposed to

Holding it by inherent right,

To draw (a comparison inference suggestion)

From some source alien to the subject at hand,

To adopt (something) for other than its normal purpose,

Has covered with ice, cooled by means of ice,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, of the Wind blowing

From the North, the quality or state of being bitter

To taste, to the mind or feelings, deep sorrow

Or anguish of heart, animosity, acrimony of temper,

Action or words, intensity of frost or cold wind.

Denoting any hearer or reader,

Hence as an indefinite personal pronoun,

One anyone,

Considered as the centre of vital functions,

The seat of life, the vital part or principle,

Hence in some phrases equaling life,

Has, being made known or patent,

Comprehended, thoroughly known,

Agreed upon, assumed as known or fixed,

Implied though not expressed.

Denoting things or persons actually

Or ideally present or near,

Especially those that have just been mentioned,

With reference to state or age, the unborn

Or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Apparently originally always used

In relation to the mother

As the 'fruit of the womb',

Are outside of a class Body or community,

Not in the number or membership,

In an alien or foreign community,

"Those (that are) without", equaling outsiders,

Now only in echoes of

What have I to do to judge them that are with out?

Do ye not judge them that are with in?

To be the mother of, give birth to,

To be the source of, give rise to, produce,

But all thair sport quehen thay wer maist at eiss,

Vnto our deme it was bot littill pleiss.

Book IX

"Of origin or source":

Indicating the thing or person

Whence anything originates comes is acquired or sought,

To be the mother of, give birth to,

To be the source of, give rise to, produce,

Local position answering the question "Where?"

(Passing into "Whereby?" "Whence?" "Whither?")

A dwelling-place house abode,

The fixed residence of a family or household,

The seat of domestic life and interests,

One's own house,

The dwelling in which one habitually lives

Or which one regards as one's proper abode,

Sometimes including the members of a family collectively,

The home-circle or household,

Of local relation, before, in presence of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

One by whom a child is or has been begotten,

A male parent, the nearest male ancestor, rarely applied

To animals, one some any

The oneness or indefiniteness being implied

Rather than asserted, it is especially used

In first introducing an object to notice,

Which object after being introduce by "a"

Is kept in view by "the", as

'I plucked "a" flower, this is "the" flower,

Standing lying or taking Place afar off,

Not near at hand, remote,

Of the nature of a rumble.

Denoting any hearer or reader,

Hence as an indefinite personal pronoun,

One anyone,

The hollow muscular or otherwise contractile organ

Which by its dilation and contraction

Keeps up the circulation of the blood

In the vascular system of an animal,

Is only of long practice and experience "in"

Some specified matter or respect,

Or as an agent or qualified person of some kind,

Practiced experienced skilled, also,

In slang use, clever knowing,

The good Bishop labours night and day to preserve peace as well becometh a servant of the alter.

Book X

In consequence of that,

That being so,

As a result or inference from what has been stated,

Consequently formerly, sometimes unemphatic,

Denoting oppositions and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards) one some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness being implied

Rather than asserted, congealed by extreme cold,

Subjected to or exposed to extreme cold,

Mental suffering, sorrow grief trouble,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the unborn or newly born

Human beings, fetuses infants, apparently originally

Always used in relation to the mother

As the 'fruit of the womb', are naught nothing,

The entire and unabated amount or quantity of the whole

Extent substance or compass of the whole,

Said of that of which there exists no other example

Or whose Action is unshared in,

Sole only unique exclusive,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, covered with ice,

Cooled by means of ice,

A building for human habitation, especially

A building that is the ordinary dwelling-place

Of a family.

Thee, the coming year,

The year about to begin, the commencement

Of another year,

The first few days of the year,

Indicating a situation condition or state,

The departure from or emergence out of which

Is figured as (and often accompanied by)

Actual movement,

(Az vnhappy it was for the bride)

That cam thither too soon

(And yet waz it a four a clok).

Book XI

In this Place,

In the Place (country region etc.)

Where the person speaking is or Places himself,

Is denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

Of belonging or pertaining to them,

Also reflexive, of or belonging to themselves,

The Action or process of Thinking,

Mental Action or activity in general,

Especially that of the intellect,

Exercise of the mental faculty,

Formations and arrangements of ideas in the mind,

A rising from sleep,

(In modern use more commonly)

From sloth inaction or indifference.

In the course of,

At in on (the Time or date of an Action or event)

By successive steps or stages,

By little and little, gradually,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness being implied

Rather than asserted, that pleases,

That gives pleasure or satisfaction,

Agreeable grateful, something which reminds

Or is intended to remind

One, mention made for the purpose of reminding.

A female parent,

A woman who has given birth to a child,

One by whom a child is or has been begotten,

A male parent,

The nearest male ancestor, rarely applied

To animals, to bring into existence by construction

Or elaboration, to produce (a material thing)

By combination of parts

Or by giving a certain form to a portion of matter,

To construct frame fashion,

The cardinal number, next after one, one added to one,

Denoted by the symbols 2 or II,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The drying qualities of these norths

Is still more detrimental than the want of rain.

Book XII

Are, of water, to make the sound

Characteristic of tidal movements near the shore,

Unto, even unto, even to

(A Place or point) to the very,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, quiet silent motionless,

The structure made or the Place selected by a bird

In which to lay and incubate its eggs

And which serves as a shelter for its unfledged young,

Of what kind quality or character, also attributively,

What kind of, of water, the sea to rise swell,

To flow "out" in a flood,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the period of darkness

Which intervenes between day and day,

The part of the natural day (of 24 hours)

During which no light is received from the sun,

The Time between evening and morning.

Before, in presence of thee,

Should the haue profered it

Her chaste mind hath proofe enough to preuent it.


"Of origin or source": indicating the thing or person

Whence anything originates comes is acquired or sought,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, a hollow Body

Of cast metal formed to ring or emit

A clear musical sound by the sonorous vibration

Of its entire circumference when struck by a clapper

Hammer or other appliance briskly swiftly quickly,

With sharp or painful effect, keenly smartly,

To rebuke reprove or censure (a person)

Sharply or severely, of or belonging to it

Or that thing, also reflexive,

Of or belonging to itself, its own,

Demeanour carriage or aspect of a person

Especially when stately or impressive,

Nobleness majesty or handsomeness

Of bearing or appearance,

To hold in hand in keeping or possession,

To hold or possess as property

Or as something at one's disposal,

To decrease in size or extent, to dwindle,

In a position down from or lower than,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, furnished with wood

Or woods, covered with growing trees,

Abounding in woods or forests,

The earthly state of human existence, this present life,

A position down from or lower than,

One some any, the oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

A covering, an over-hanging shade or shelter,

Indicating the "material or substance"

Of which anything is made or consists,

I loved her to the very white of truth.

Book XIV

A female parent, a woman who has given birth

To a child, is the lowest of the cardinal numbers,

The number of a single thing without any more,

The addition of another to which makes "two",

Before, in presence of,

One by whom a child is or has been begotten,

A male parent, the nearest male ancestor,

Rarely applied to animals, is in addition

Moreover besides also;

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Of persons or animals

To move hither and thither

Without fixed course or certain aim,

To be (in motion) without control or direction,

To roam ramble, go idly or restlessly about,

To have no fixed abode or station,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of,

Within (any Place or thing)

One some any, the oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Consisting of two parts or elements,

Existing in two relations or manners,

Of two kinds, double dual, a way beaten

Or trodden by the feet of men or beasts,

A track formed incidentally by passage between Places

Rather than expressly planned and constructed

To accommodate traffic, a narrow unmade

And (usually) unclosed way across.

The open country, through wood or fields,

Over a mountain etc., a footway or footpath

As opposed to a road for vehicles, hence

Applied also to a walk made for foot-passengers,

In a garden park wood or the like, sometimes said

More vaguely of any way or road.

Most usually "predicative",

Of what kind quality or character,

Also "attributively",

What kind of,

To come together

Into one Place

Or company, to gather together,

Congregate, meet every (individual of a number)

Regarded or treated separately,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

The abstract number five,

A way or path for foot-passangers,

Only I know not,

One indeed I knew,

In many a subtle question versed,

Who touched a jarring lyre at first,

But ever strove to make it true.

Book XV

I am referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, that is before all others,

Earliest in serial order,

Foremost in position rank or importance, hence

Often serving the function of a numeral adjective,

The ordinal of ONE,

In which use it may be written 1st,

Is, of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within,

(Any Place or thing)

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Drawing near, approaching, arrival advent,

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Coming next after the first,

According to any contextually understood principle of


(E.g. in order of Time Place Body Thought Action)

The ordinal corresponding to the cardinal two,

Is, of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of,

Within (any Place or thing)

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

To remove withdraw abstract,

To remove by death,

To subtract,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within

(Any Place or thing)


The state of being absent

Or away (from any Place)

Also the Time or duration of such state,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Is named or mentioned before,

Expressing a spatial or local relation,

Expressing a relation in Time,

Expressing the relation of purpose destination

Result effect, resulting condition or status,

Indicating addition attachment accompaniment appurtenance


To have or take Place in the world of fact,

To exist occur happen,

Traveling from Place to Place

Or from country to country

Without settled route or destination,

Roaming, of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within,

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

To remove withdraw abstract,

To remove by death,

To subtract,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Is that stands upright or on end,

Of a person, an animal, a statue,

That keeps an upright stationary position

On the feet, with reference to Action or condition,

Without change interruption or cessation,

Continually constantly, on every occasion,

Invariably, always.

The process of moving,

I.e. of undergoing change of Place,

The condition of a Body

(In mathematical theory also a point line surface etc.)

When at each successive instant it occupies

A different position in space,

Also in particularized uses,

An instance or a particular kind or variety

(Discriminated according to direction velocity etc.)

Of this process or condition

(In early use chiefly of the movements

Of the heavenly Bodies)

To possess bear contain as an appendage

Organ subordinate part or adjunct,

To contain as parts of itself

(In this last shade of meaning

Now chiefly confined to "Time",

'Thirty days hath September'

'The year has twelve calendar months')

To open up (that which is closed or shut)

To unclose unfold unfasten,

Very, the very, that very alone,

Before, in presence of,

Having a lower or underlying Place or position,

Lying beneath or at a lower level,

Of Places, their contents or inhabitants,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, a covering,

An over-hanging shade or shelter,

In the limits of

Or in the inner part of a space or region,

Especially a city or country in the Place or realm,

The question 'What?', 'What is it?', or the like,

Or the answer to such question,

The essence or substance of the thing in question,

That which remains or is left (unused undestroyed etc.)

Of some thing or quantity of things,

Also that which remains to be done,

Of "motion" "direction" "distance",

Indicating the thing Place or direction

Whence anything goes comes or is driven or moved

From, away from, out of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized, the period of darkness

Which intervenes between day and day,

That part of the natural day (of 24 hours)

During which no light is received from the sun,

The Time between evening and morning,

The darkness which prevails during this Time,

The dark, to move towards, approach,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The portion of space actually occupied

By a person or thing,

The position of a Body in space,

Or with reference to other Bodies, locality situation.

Thee, with reference to state or age,

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Thenk thou thes thingis.

Book XVI

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned, is, one some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,


Of local relation, before, in presence of,

By Motion the Painters meane that comeliness and grace in the proportion and disposition of a picutre which is also called the spirite and life of a picture.


To bring into existence

By construction or elaboration,

To produce (a material thing)

By combination of parts,

By giving a certain form to a portion of matter,

To construct frame fashion,

The cardinal number next above two

Represented by the symbols 3 III or iii,

The material frame of man (and animals)

The physical and material frame or structure of man

Or of any animal,

The whole material organism viewed as an organic entity

(In "Biology" sometimes also used of plants)

A limited stretch or space of continued existence

As the interval between two successive events or acts

Or the period through which an Action

Condition or state continues,

A finite portion of 'Time',

"Generally" the process or condition of Acting

Or doing (in the widest sense)

The exertion of energy or influence, working

Agency operation,

The cardinal number next above two

Represented by the symbols 3 III or iii,

Of position behind the portion of space

Actually occupied by a person or thing,

The position of a Body in space

Or with reference to other Bodies, locality situation,

With reference to state or age the unborn

Or newly born human beings, fetuses infants, are

Indefinitely or generally at any Time,

Or at several times, at which, on any occasion,

That the persons or things in question

Or last mentioned are "figuratively" and "generally"

Outside of the inward being soul or mind

With regard to external Actions or circumstances,

In relation to others

Or to something other than the self,

Sometimes in outward appearance

As opposed to inward reality,

A female parent,

A woman who has given birth to a child,

That undertakes, forward and prompt to undertake,

In early use chiefly in bad sense,

Foolhardy, also ambitious scheming,

Now chiefly in favourable sense,

Full of the spirit of enterprise.

Are, one some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Indicating a limit or point attained

In degree or amount or in division or analysis

And thus expressing degree of completeness or exactitude,

As far as, to the point of, down to

(An ultimate element or item)

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Standing lying or taking Place afar off,

Not near at hand,

Remote, of the nature of a rumble,

Of a thing acceptable agreeable pleasing,

The product of mental action or effort,

What one Thinks, that which is in the mind,

Of logical relation,

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

Thought cogitation meditation

Mental Action or activity etc.,

The fourth and coldest season of the year

Coming between autumn and spring,

Reckoned astronomically from the winter solstice

To the vernal equinox,

I.e. in the northern hemisphere

From the 22nd of December to the 20th of March,

In popular use comprising the months

Of December January and February

(Or according to some

November December and January)

Also in contradistinction to "summer",

The colder half of the year

In the southern hemisphere corresponding in Time

To the northern summer,

Has his disturbance of mind or feelings,

Worry vexation affliction grief perplexity distress,

In addition, furthermore, moreover, besides, also,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned,

Nor will the solitude of the Phoenix allow this denomination

For many there are of that species.


Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned,

To separate divide, now only "dialectal",

Chiefly in farming uses

To separate (lambs) from the ewes

Or (calves) from the cows,

To separate (cattle sheep) from the herd or flock,

Referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's,

Also reflexive, of or belonging to himself,

His own, the facing of a wall

In contrast to the material in the heart of it,

To betray unskillfully awkwardly clumsily badly,

Patient endurance, long-suffering,

A portion of Time considered with respect to its duration,

The Action of moving on the ground as a reptile,

Or a human being on hands and knees,

From one end side surface to the other

Or opposite end side surface of (a Body or space)

By passing within it,

Usually implying into at one end side etc.,

And out of at the other,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

A more or less extensive tract of land

Lying between two ranges or hills or stretches of high ground

And usually traversed by a river or stream,

A dale or valley,

Especially one which is comparatively wide and flat,

The middle of Winter,

Specifically the Winter Solstice,

December 21st or the period about that Time,

Also formerly applied to Christmas,

Originally denoting elevation as well as contact,

The compound has from the earliest period

Of its occurrence so far lost the former implication,

That it has been regularly employed

As a simple equivalent of "on"

In All the varieties of meaning

Which that preposition has developed the use of,

For the most part a matter of individual choice

(On grounds of rhythm emphasis etc.)

Or of simple accident,

Although in certain contexts and phrases

There may be a general tendency

To prefer the one to the other,

For ease of comparison

The following

Arrangement of the senses

Corresponds as closely as possible

With that of ON,

Of or belonging to itself,

Its own, having much hair,

Clothed with hair, hirsute,

The belly is not filled with fair words.

Book XIX

The male being in question

Or last mentioned, used of persons or animals

Of the male sex, to come across,

Fall in with, meet with, light upon,

Primarily of persons,

And implying perception of the object

Encountered, hence of things viewed

As agents, expressing motion directed towards

And reaching,

Governing a substantive,

Denoting the Place thing or person

Approached and reached,

The opposite of FROM,

His utter loss of moral courage or resolution

In prospect of danger or difficulty,

Faintness of heart from terror or from feeling

Of inability to cope with peril or calamity,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

The question 'What?' 'What is it?' or the like,

Or the answer to such questions,

The essence or substance of the thing in question,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Has to breathe forth, exhale, to have

A remainder, to cause or allow

To remain, laid in a grave,

Interred, in a low position,

Relatively to some other Place,

In a lower position,

Low or lower down,


Of him, of the male being or thing in question,

A covering, an over-hanging shade or shelter,

Of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of a property


Or appurtenance, white colour or hue,

White colouration or appearance, whiteness,

Of him, of the male being or thing in question,

That which remains or is left of a thing or things

After the removal of a portion,

The remainder rest residue.

Having leaves or foliage, bearing leaves, 'in leaf',

Laid sunk concealed underground,

Lower in the scale of being station rank excellence or dignity,

Now commonly BELOW,

Of him, of the male being or thing in question,

A covering, an overhanging shade or shelter,

Of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of a property possession or appurtenance,

White colour or hue, white colouration or appearance,


Denoting the speaker,

And one or more other persons whom he associates with


As the subject of the sentence,

To be able to have the power ability capacity

(Said of physical as well as of acquired ability)

To call upon anyone for information

In a state of not possessing,

Not having (as a possession of any kind,

A part, an advantage, etc.)

In want of, destitute of, lacking,

The Action of approving sanctioning approbation,

Of the emotion of pain or uneasiness

Caused by the sense of impending danger

Or by the prospect of some possible evil,

Indicating a point of Time (or stage of life etc.)

From which something begins or proceeds,

A sharp rebuke reproof or censure,

Especially one given by a person or Body having authority

Or by a judge or magistrate to an offender,

In a direct question, for what reason?

From what cause or motive?

For what purpose?


Does, the male being in question

Or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Without restriction of purpose,

To deposit or hide underground,

To cover up with earth

Or other material,

The question 'What?' 'What is it?' or the like,

Or the answer to such questions,

The essence or substance of the thing in question,

The male being in question

Or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,


To go in search or quest of,

To try to find, look for

(Either a particular object-

Person thing or Place-

Whose whereabouts are unknown,

Or an indefinite object

Suitable for a particular purpose)

Of logical relation,

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

That seeks, the Action of disclosing,

An opening up to view,

Revelation discovery exposure,

An instance of this,

To open up to the knowledge of others,

To make openly known, reveal declare

(Secrets purposes beliefs etc.)

To make man feel his own evil, his infirmity, his nothing?

Book XX

Of Time:

In the course of,

At in on

(The Time or date of an Action or event)

That which covers

Or is adapted to cover

Whether for protection shelter concealment

Or adornment,

A cover, a cloth to spread over clothing,

The outer coating or integument

That causes to shiver with cold, chilly,

Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

A fuss or outcry "about" something,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Of a person, to trim and dress

Oneself up, to smooth and adorn oneself,

Of or belonging to him, that man's, the male being's,

Also reflexive, of or belonging to himself, his own,

We shall be always in part led away with our old skin,

And there will be great remnants of the old man in us.

Book XXI

Of logical relation:

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

To create,

In later use to form fashion

(Said of God or nature)

Referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's,

Also "reflexive", of or belonging to himself, his own,

Of the hair head or beard grey or white with age,

The Action of appraising assessing or valuing,

Statement of price or value, valuation,

That guides directs or leads to something,


So as to make a complete end

In a manner not to be reversed or altered,

Once for All,

Decisively conclusively, expressing the relation of purpose

Destination result effect, resulting condition or status,

To unclose or unfold itself by the falling asunder of parts,

To open, referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's,

Also "reflexive", of or belonging to himself, his own,

The condition of not being liable to displacement or change,

Stability or permanence in situation condition or form,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Any feathered vertebrate animal,

A member of the second class

Of the great Vertebrate group,

The species of which

Are most nearly allied to the Reptiles

But distinguished by their warm blood,

Feathers, and adaptation of the fore limbs as wings

With which most species fly in the air,

Are not any, any thing or person that affords help,

A source or means of assistance, an aid,

The persons or things in question or last mentioned

Are to open up to the knowledge of others,

To make openly known, reveal declare

(Secrets purposes beliefs etc.)

Of medium means instrumentality agency, Him.

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Of space, a person's Place etc.,

Vacant unoccupied, of a house etc.,

Devoid of furniture or inmates,

The structure made or the Place selected by a bird

In which to lay and incubate its eggs

And which serves as a shelter for its unfledged young,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present

Or that has just been mentioned,

Of an evil or doubt to hover "over",

One ready or liable to fall, to impend, be imminent,

Especially in phrase "to hang over (one's) head",

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

To bear or put forth branches,

Sometimes with "forth out",

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

To one's home house or abode,

To one's dwelling-place, own district or country,

Of purpose or destination,

Following all others in a series succession order or enumeration,

Subsequent to all others in occurrence existence etc.,

Any one of the periods longer or shorter

Into which the year is naturally divided

By the earth's changing position in regard to the sun,

And which are marked by varying length of day and night,

By particular conditions of weather temperature etc.,

More specifically each of the four equal periods-

Spring Summer Autumn Winter-

Into which the year is divided by the passage of the sun

From equinox to solstice

And from solstice to equinox,

Also each of the two periods-

The rainy and the dry-

Into which the year is divided in tropical climates,

To uncover (anything covered up from view)

To remove a cover from and expose to view

(Anything material)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Congealed by extreme cold,

Subjected to or exposed to extreme cold,

One of the epidermal appendages of a bird,

Usually in the form of a central shaft or midrib,

Of a horny nature, in part tubular,

For the rest square in section and solid,

Fringed on either side with a 'vane',

"I.e." a row of thin narrow plates mutually adpressed

(The 'barbs') which form a rounded outline at the end,

Often proceeded by some qualifying word as

"Countour" "covert" "pin" "quill" etc. "feather",

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present,

Or that has just been mentioned,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Rendered torpid or numb, deprived of strength or the power of motion

By a chilling influence,

Each of the organs of flight of any flying animal

As a bird bat or insect,

To keep from view

(Without implication of intention)

To prevent from being seen,

To obstruct the view of, to cover up.

Of position or location:

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Of a foot rhythm etc. descending in stress,

Having the ictus at the beginning, is,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

An Act of reaching

Out with the arm

(Especially to take hold of something)

Or with something held in the hand,

Denoting actual movement or direction in

Or to or towards a point or Place

Higher than another,

And lying directly (or almost directly)

Above it so as to raise or bring, come or tend

To or towards a higher position in space,

The fourth and coldest season of the year,

Coming between autumn and spring,

Reckoned astronomically from the winter solstice,

To the vernal equinox,

I.e. in the northern hemisphere

From the 22nd of December to the 20th of March,

In popular use comprising the months of December

January and February

(Or according to some November December and January)

Also in contradistinction to "summer",

The colder half of the year

In the southern hemisphere

Corresponding in Time

To the northern summer,

The Action of breathing or drawing one's breath,

A breath sigh,

Technically the drawing in of air

In or as in breathing,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

One of the small flocculent pieces

In which snow falls,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

The Action or an act of shaking,

Denoting departure or moving away,

Governing a substantive which indicates a point motion,

Takes Place,

Of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's,

Also "reflexive", of or belonging to himself,

His own,

The corporeal or material nature or state of man,

The material Body and its properties,

In a low position,

Low or lower down,


One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

A covering, an overhanging shade or shelter,

Of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of

A property possession or appurtenance,

The yolke is temperately hotte,

The whyte is colde and clammye.


A short lyric or narrative poem

Intended to be sung,

Waste or desert land, uninhabited (or sparsely inhabited)

And uncultivated country,

A wild and desolate region,

A desert wilderness,

After words denoting application attention or the like,

Indicating the object of this,

Also (archaic or in rhetoric) with ellipsis of "go" "betake oneself" etc.,

(In imperative or after an auxiliary)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Cast off, rejected, dismissed from employment, discharged,

That which remains or is left of a thing or things

After the removal of a portion,

The remainder rest residue,

Now applied only to a small

Remaining part, to render (a dish) more palatable

By the addition of some savoury ingredient,

Above and in contact with,

Above and supported by,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

One of the precious metals

(In general use ranking next to gold)

Characterized in a pure state by its lustrous white colour

And great malleability and ductility,

A portion or limb of a tree or other plant,

Growing out of a stem or trunk,

Or out of one of the boughs,

In a more specific sense a "branch" is understood to be

Smaller than a bough and larger than a shoot or spray,

In statements as to space distance length of Time,

To Place (a thing) so that it is supported from above

And takes below the point of support

The position due to the Action of gravity

Or any external force,

To fasten hook on or attach an object


To suspend,

Having the same characteristics or qualities

As some other person

Or thing

Of approximately identical shape

Size colour character

Etc. with something else,

Similar resembling


One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Now the shrill bats were upon the wing.


Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

To make promise of,

To give verbal assurance of,

To undertake or engage by word or writing

Addressed to another person,

To do or refrain from (some specified act)

Or to give or bestow (some specified thing)

Usually to the benefit or advantage

Of the person concerned,

Indicating the thing Place or direction whence anything

Goes comes or is driven or moved from, away

From, out of,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Viewed as an act pertaining to the offspring,

The fact of being born,


Beginning of individual existence,

Coming into the world,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons and animals of the male sex,

The Action of turning about an axis or centre

As a wheel rotation revolution,

Of position or location,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of,

Within (any Place or thing)

Of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's,

Also "reflexive", of or belonging to himself, his own,

Of air mist clouds etc. thick dark, of gloom, intense,

To put forth vigorous effort or endeavour,

To press, be urgent in request or persuasion,

To aim "at" with endeavour,

To attain, to try, to work strenuously "for",

Press "for",

To seek actively, labour "after",

To draw or move by force or influence

Other than physical,

To bring forcibly into or out of

Some state or condition,

To leave or allow to pass

The smallest quantity of liquid

That falls

Or detaches itself

Or is produced in a spherical or pear-shaped form,

A globule of liquid,

Referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's, also "reflexive",

Of or belonging to himself, his own,

A long loose outer garment

Reaching to the feet or the ankles,

Worn by both sexes in the Middle Ages,

And still

By men of some Eastern nations,

A gown,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present,

Or that has just been mentioned,

An Act of reaching,

An (or the) Act of reaching

Out with the arm

("Especially" to take hold of something)

Or with something held in the hand,

A rise in life,

A spell of prosperity,

A success,

From below the level of the water etc.,

To the surface,

On or upon (oath condition etc.)

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

The Action or an act of stretching physically,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within,

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The proper adjective expressing a well-known quality of the air

Or of other sensations,

Exciting one of the primary physical sensations

Due to the abstraction of heat

From the surface of the body,

Of a temperature sensibly lower than that of the living human body,

To move or pass from a higher to a lower position in space,

To come or go down, fall sink,

Referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's, also "reflexive",

Of or belonging to himself, his own,

That which remains

Or is left of a thing or things

After a removal of a portion,

The remainder rest residue,

Now applied only to a small remaining part,

Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons and animals of the male sex,

To move through the air with wings.

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons and animals of the male sex,

To unclose or unfold itself

By the falling asunder of parts,

To open,

Referring to a person, of or belonging to him,

That man's, the male being's, also "reflexive",

Of or belonging to himself, his own,

Each of the organs of flight of any flying animal

As a bird bat or insect,

Attributed to supernatural beings as angels demons etc.,

And to fabulous creatures as dragons griffins etc.,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The quality or attribute

In virtue of which objects

Present different appearances to the eye

When considered with regard

Only to the kind of light reflected from their surfaces,

Of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of a property possession

Or appurtenance,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Any one of the periods longer or shorter

Into which the year is naturally divided

By the earth's changing position in regard to the sun,

And which are marked by varying length of day and night,

By particular conditions of weather temperature etc.,

More specifically each of the four equal periods-

Spring Summer Autumn Winter-

Into which the year is divided

By the passage of the sun

From equinox to solstice

And from solstice to equinox,

Also each of the two periods-

The rainy and the dry-

Into which the year is divided

In tropical climates,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present,

Or that has just been mentioned,

Is, to make promise of,

To give verbal assurance of,

To undertake or engage by word or writing

Addressed to another person,

To do or refrain from

(Some specified act)

Or to give or bestow

(Some specified thing)

Usually to the benefit or advantage of the person concerned,

Liable to break or be broken, easily crushed or destroyed,

Expressing a relation in Time,

Indicating the final limit in Time,

Or the end of a period, till until,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

To come to pass ("originally" by 'hap' or chance)

To take Place, occur betide befall,

A standing-place station position,

Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Any feathered vertebrate animal,

A member of the second class of the great Vertebrate group,

The species of which are most nearly allied to the Reptiles

But distinguished by their warm blood, feathers,

And adaptation of the forelimbs as wings

With which most species fly in the air,

Most usually "predicative",

Of what kind quality or character,

Also "attributively", what kind of,

To go in search or quest of,

To try to find, look for

(Either a particular object-

Person thing or Place-

Whose whereabouts are unknown,

Or an indefinite object

Suitable for a particular purpose)


Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present,

Or that has just been mentioned,

To try to discover or find out

(Something unknown)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The leaves (of a plant or tree) collectively, leafage,

Of the source or "starting point of Action"

"Emotion" etc. "motive" "cause" ground" "reason",

Indicating the material or immaterial source or spring of Action

Emotion etc. out of, from,

As an outcome expression or consequence of,

Of belonging or pertaining to them,

Also "reflexive", of or belonging to themselves,

A building for human habitation,

"Especially" a building

That is the ordinary dwelling-place of a family,

The inner side or surface,

That side of anything which is within

Or nearer to the centre,

Or farther from the outer edge or surface,

In a foot-path the side next to the wall

Or away from the road,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

With reference to state or age,

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Apparently originally always used in relation

To the mother as the 'fruit of the womb',

The Action of espying, espial, espionage.

We are one of the remaining parts of the original substantive

Verb, compare AM,

At the present Time or moment,

Informed cognizant conscious sensible,

"To be aware (of that)",

To have cognizance, to know,

Indicating the starting-point

In a series or statement of limits,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

To make a quick inclination of the head,

Especially in salutation assent or command,

The anterior part of the Body of an animal

When separated by a neck,

Or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the Body,

It contains the mouth and special sense-organs

And the brain,

Of "motion" "direction" "distance",

Indicating a point of Time

(Or stage of life etc.)

From which something begins or proceeds,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

With reference to state or age,

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Denoting a thing or person pointed out or present,

Or that has just been mentioned,

One by whom a child is or has been begotten,

A male parent,

The nearest male ancestor,

Rarely applied to animals,

To possess bear contain as an appendage

Organ, subordinate part or adjunct,

To contain as parts of itself

(In this last shade of meaning

Now chiefly confined to "Time",

'Thirty days hath September'

'The year has twelve calendar months')

To come into existence,

Come about, happen, occur, take Place,

To be acted or done,

Having no motion or movement, not moving,

Also incapable of motion,

Of Place,

In front of one or other,

An undetermined or unspecified,

A limited stretch or space of continued existence

As the interval between two successive events or Acts,

Or the period through which an Action condition or state

Continues, a finite portion of 'Time',

Of motion or direction, from within a space,

Or from a point considered as a centre,

Of "motion" "direction" "distance",

Indicating the thing Place or direction whence

Anything goes comes or is driven or moved from, away

From, out of, a movable barrier of wood,

Or other material,

Consisting either of one piece,

Or of several pieces

Framed together, usually turning on hinges,

Or sliding in a groove,

And serving to close or open

A passage into a building or room etc.,

Quite by oneself, unaccompanied solitary,

Of position above and in contact with,

Above and supported by,

Upon, referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The top, upper part, or crest "of"

Anything, especially when long and narrow,

Of the sea, waves, rising ground, hills etc.,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

To produce (a material thing)

By combination of parts,

Or by giving a certain form to a portion of matter,

To construct frame fashion,

The Time at which something happens

(Or did or will happen)

He, to assume or maintain an erect attitude,

On one's feet

(With distinction expressed or understood from

"Sit" "lie" "kneel" etc.)

Of position above and supported by, upon,

Indicating a thing or person present or near

(Actually in space or Time or ideally in Thought,

Especially as having just been mentioned

And thus being present to the mind)

"Specifically" as being nearer than some other

(Hence opposed to "that")

The top upper part or crest "of"


Especially when long and narrow,

Of the sea, waves, rising ground, hills etc.,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

That goes or passes by,

The interval of light

Between successive periods of darkness or "night",

In ordinary usage including the lighter part of the morning

And evening, twilight,

But when strictly used limited to the Time

When the sun is above the horizon,

As in

'At the equinox day and night are equal',

Indicating a point of Time (or stage of life etc.)

From which something begins or proceeds,

In "Feudal Law"

Formal and public acknowledgment of allegiance,

Wherein a tenant or vassal declared himself the man

Of the king or the lord of whom he held and bound himself

To his service,

The question 'What?' 'What is it?' or the like,

Or the answer to such question,

The essence or substance of the thing in question,

Was spoken, uttered.

Of position or location:

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The period of darkness which intervenes

Between day and day,

That part of the natural day (of 24 hours)

During which no light is received from the sun,

The Time between evening and morning,

The male being in question or last mentioned,

Used of persons or animals of the male sex,

Where I espy'd the panther fast asleep.


Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The structure made or the Place selected by a bird

In which to lay and incubate its eggs,

And which serves as a shelter for its unfledged young,

In a low position,

Relatively to some other Place,

In a lower position,

Low or lower down,


Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

That which covers anything,

That is put or laid over,

Or that naturally overlies or overspreads an object

With the effect of hiding sheltering or enclosing

It, often a thing designed or appropriated

For the purpose of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of

A property possession or appurtenance,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

The first appearance of light in the sky

Before sunrise

Or the Time in which it appears,

The beginning of daylight, daybreak.

Having a lower or underlying Place or position,

Lying beneath or at a lower level,

Of Places, their contents or inhabitants,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

A covering, an over-hanging shade or shelter,

Liable to break or be broken, easily crushed or destroyed,

Indicating a thing or person present or near

(Actually in space or Time or ideally in Thought,

Especially as having just been mentioned

And thus being present to the mind)

"Specifically" as being nearer than some other

(Hence opposed to "that")

Any one of the periods longer or shorter

Into which the year is naturally divided

By the earth's changing position in regard to the sun,

And which are marked by varying length of day and night,

By particular conditions of weather temperature etc.,

More specifically each of the four equal periods-

Spring Summer Autumn Winter-

Into which the year is divided by the passage of the sun

From equinox to solstice

And from solstice to equinox,

Also each of the two periods-

The rainy and the dry-

Into which the year is divided in tropical climates,

Following all others in a series succession

Order or enumeration, subsequent to all others

In occurrence existence etc.,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Strengthening encouragement incitement aid succour support countenance,

"Upon comfort of",

On the strength of,


Retaining the memory "of",

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

A dwelling Place,

House, abode,

The fixed residence of a family or household,

The seat of domestic life and interests,

The dwelling in which one habitually lives,

Or which one regards as one's proper abode,

Sometimes including the members of a family collectively,

The home circle or household.

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

The bearing of offspring viewed as an act of the mother,

Bringing forth, giving birth,

Cutting, adapted for cutting,

Having a keen edge, sharp,

The first appearance of light in the sky

Before sunrise

Or the Time when it appears,

The beginning of daylight, daybreak,

Of position or location,

Of Place or position in space,

Or anything having material extension,

Within the limits or bounds of, within

(Any Place or thing)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Well adapted for

Cutting or piercing,

Having a keen edge or point,

Opposed to "blunt",

Having a keen cutting edge,

The lines real or apparent

By which a figure is defined

Or bounded in the plane of vision,

The sum of these lines

Forming a contour of a figure,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Of persons and animals strong and active in Body,

Endowed with physical strength and energy,

Robust in health or constitution,

Hardy lusty strong,

The bearing of offspring viewed as an Act of the mother,

Bringing forth, giving birth.

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

An assurance to a visitor or stranger that he or she is welcome,

A pleasant or hearty greeting or reception

Given to a person on arrival to a house

Or other Place,

The Act or fact of changing, substitution

Of one thing for another,

Succession of one thing in Place of another,

A natural (or what now seems a natural) exclamation

Expressive of feeling,

Of Actions conduct character etc.,

Despicable on moral grounds,

Deserving to be regarded with abhorrence or disgust,

Characterized by baseness or depravity,

The interval of light,

Between successive periods of darkness or "night",

In ordinary usage including the lighter part of the morning

And evening, twilight,

But when strictly used

Limited to the Time when the sun is above the horizon,

As in 'at the equinox day and night are equal',

A natural (or what now seems a natural) exclamation

Expressive of feeling,

Cutting, adapted for cutting,

Having a keen sharp edge, sharp,

The period of darkness

Which intervenes between day and day,

That part of the natural day (of 24 hours)

During which no light is received from the sun,

The Time between evening and morning,

Of a thing of little account or worth, inconsiderable,

To be on the look out,

To keep a person or thing in sight

So as to be aware of any movement or change,


A falling from a height,

A dropping down from a high or relatively high position

By the force of gravity,

Characterized by unwillingness

To move act or make any exertion,

Marked by languid indifference

As to what goes on around one

Or as to what one has to do,

That which drags or trails or is trailed,

An elongated part of a robe or skirt

Trailing behind on the ground, commonly

Worn by women of rank or fashion when in full dress,

And by sovereigns and high officials on state occasions,

And sometimes borne by a page or attendant as "trainbearer",

Thrown out from the hand,

Of position in space,

At the side or edge of,

In the vicinity of, near,

Close to, beside,

The female being in question,

A person or thing exhibited or gazed at

As an object of admiration

Curiosity mockery or the like,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

Of things having more or less freedom of movement,

To move irregularly and quickly,

To and fro, up and down, or from side to side,

To quiver quake vibrate waver,

Of "liberation" and "privation",

Expressing separation from or of

A property possession or appurtenance,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

A covering, an overhanging shade or shelter,

The lowest of the cardinal numbers,

Of a single thing without anymore,

The addition of another to which makes "two",

Rent or riven

By being pulled violently asunder,

Wearing torn garments,

A portion or limb of a tree

Or other plant growing out of a stem or trunk,

Or out of one of the boughs,

In a more specific sense a "branch" is understood

To be smaller than a bough or larger than a shoot or spray,

Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

A slender shoot issuing from a branch or stem,

To alter or disguise the semblance of

(One's character, a feeling design or Action)

So as to conceal or deceive

As to its real nature,

To give a false or feigned appearance,

On account of which,

Because of which,

For which.

Does, indicating a person present or near

(Actually in space or Time or ideally in Thought,

Especially as having just been mentioned

And thus being present to the mind)

"Specifically" as being nearer than some other

(Hence opposed to "that")

The coming year,

The year about to begin or just beginning,

The commencement of another year,

The first few days of the year,

To express profound sorrow for or concerning,

Also in modern use to feel sorrow for,

To mourn for the loss of (a person)

To bewail (an occurrence etc.)

The female being in question,

That folds, that is or can be folded,

Expressing motion to a position within a space or thing,

To the points within the limits of,

To the interior of,

So as to enter?

To arrange (a piece of cloth, a surface etc.)

So that one portion lies reversed over or alongside another,

To double or bend over upon itself,

The female being in question,

A long loose outer garment reaching to the feet or ankles,

Worn by both sexes in the Middle Ages, and still

By men of some eastern nations, a gown,

The female being in question or last mentioned,

To bring into existence

By construction or elaboration,

To produce (a material thing)

By combination of parts,

Or by giving a certain form to a portion of matter,

To construct frame fashion.

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

With reference to state or age

The unborn or newly born human beings, fetuses infants,

Apparently originally always used in relation to the mother

As the 'fruit of the womb',

To be on the look out,

To keep a person or thing in sight

So as to be aware of any movement or change,

The female being in question,

The fact condition or state of being destroyed.

In or at that Place

(Country region etc.)

Pointed to, indicated or referred to

And away from the speaker,

The opposite of "here",

One of the remaining parts of the original substantive

Verb, compare AM,

At every Time,

On every occasion,

Not existing before,

Now made

Or brought into existence for the first Time,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

Age (of a person)

At every Time,

On every occasion,

At all Times,

On all occasions,

Not existing before,

Now made or brought into existence

For the first Time,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

A limited stretch of continued existence

As the interval between two successive events or acts,

Or the period through which an Action condition or state continues,

A finite portion of 'Time',

At every Time,

On every occasion,

At all Times,

On all occasions,

Not existing before,

Now made or brought into existence

For the first Time,

Denoting opposition and derived notions

(Separation, motion towards)

That which is certain,

The certain state of matters,

The fact, the truth,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

An open space in a city,

A square or market-place,

In defense or support of,

In favour of, on the side of,

Referring to an individual object (or objects)

Marking an object as before mentioned or already known

Or contextually particularized,

A covering, an overhanging shade or shelter,

Of local relation,

Before, in presence of,

One some any,

The oneness or indefiniteness

Being implied rather than asserted,

A human being irrespective of sex or age,

The Action of espying, espial, espionage,

Thee, the coming year,

The year about to begin or just beginning,

The commencement of another year,

The first few days of the year,

Desire, wish for, have a mind to 'want' (something)

To take vengeance, inflict retributive punishment,

Exact satisfaction or retaliate on behalf of

(An injured person, violated right etc.)

To vindicate the female being in question,

The most heinous kind of criminal homicide,

Also an instance of this,

Any feathered vertebrate animal,

A member of the second class of the great Vertebrate group,

The species of which are most nearly allied to the Reptiles

But distinguished by their warm blood, feathers,

And adaptation of the fore limbs as wings

With which most species fly in the air,

Of logical relation,

By the side of, besides, along with, in addition to,

To fasten attach or join

(Pieces of textile material, leather etc.)

By passing a thread in alternate directions

Through a series of punctures

Made either with a needle

Carrying a thread,

Or with an awl,

To make the seams (of a garment etc.)

Anew afresh, over again,

And on the pedestal these words appear.

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