1.A Précis of Prognifics As Clarification
Of Prognosis In Our Studies Of Medical Science:
Author: B. A. Ramsey
The word Prognostify could have meaning in the way data of recorded observation in Prognoses is articulated.
‘Prognifics', involving medical data, could one day enable the prediction of a medical condition as it once was thought to be the expertise of prognosis.
Prognifics inform the likely course of a medical condition, in the ambiguous field of Prognostics.
When one prognostifies, one prognostificates and assumes the prognostificant. Prior to this, was committed the malpractice of 'prognostication', necessarily involving one who prognosticates, and the presumption of the prognosticant.
The prognostificant should always be called to caution the prognosticant.
Nor, would attend the boasting specialist, the prognosignificant, but ought more request the result of the 'prognostic-significant.'
Of course, it has been incorrect to say a 'prognostic' is ever significant, for the science of prognostics has entailed this.
In order to acquire the desired result of the prognostic-significant, a measuring of prognificant data observed in the field of prognifics is required to inform prognoses in prognostics.
Analyses in the field of prognifics ought to be gathered by statistically, and gathered ethically, for Statistical Science gathers samples from pools and frequently polls, which could perhaps enable the Medical Doctor to form a more useful opinion with respect to 'prognosis' from now on.
A Remark Made About The Palimpsest As Found In Management Research:
Stereotypes And Objectivity In Behavioral Programs
In Social Psychology a Stereotype is Normatively Defined Preventing Linnean Representation of Social Information, While Behavioural Science’s Objectivity Ought to Recourse to the Permissive and Prohibitive Effacement of the Palimpsest.
In social psychology, a stereotype is a thought that can be adopted about specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, and is normatively defined as an unfair belief that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same. In the field of management research, which depends on a linnean representation of social information, stereotypes have recently gained a resurgence in popularity with respect to participant-observant groups in the behavioural programs of social science and business research. Concerning cognitive resources, which are scarce, stereotypes provide an economical means of processing social information. [Macrae & Bodenhausen, 2000]
In the concern of the systematic analysis of behavioural science is the investigation of human behaviour through controlled observation by the ethical standard of objectivity, which seeks true belief outside of a subject’s individual biases, interpretations, feelings, and illusions. The behavioural scientist, a human being, and therefore prone to human norms, is nevertheless instructed to dismiss bias, in a disciplined scientific experimentation of the test subject, with rigorously repetitive, accumulative data gathering respecting the subject. For this accumulation of knowledge in science, Merton [1966; see also Sills and Merton, 1992; Garfield, 1975; Merton, 1968] employs the metaphor of the palimpsest in describing that control of objective repetition, where the scientist does not acknowledge or fore-mention a researcher,and consequently acquires knowledge of human behavior that is prone to an effacing and replacing ad nauseum, that he suggests is an “obliteration by incorporation”, a “syndrome” in which new observations obliterate continuity in our understanding of human behaviour by the incorporation of new indications that only seem prima facie.
In an effort to remain objective, and therefore impartial to preconceived notions of human thought and behaviour, the palimpsest is a likely figure, while representing an objective, but necessarily involved, participant-observer experimenter, who recognizes one’s human foibles, and allows information to occur in both a permissive and prohibitive method.
Palimpsests were originally a paleographic phenomenon, while historically have come to refer to any cultural artefact which has been reused, but still bears traces of its original form. By the mid seventeenth century the word had entered the English vernacular, and was etymologically defined from the Latin word derived through Greek, palinpsestos; that is, palin - again + psestos - rubbed smooth. Setting aside prehistorical palimpsests, historical palimpsests in the literal sense are cultural artefacts which have certainly been 'rubbed smooth'. The manner in which the artefact is rubbed smooth is both permissive and prohibitive. It is permissive in a very liberal sense that values the new behaviour and opinions of the present day in place of those of the past or in tradition. In this way, what is material to the original artefact is rubbed smooth, bearing no markings, and in effect, erased. However, no artefact is rubbed smooth in an entirely permissive way. We know this because we have come to realize that while palimpsests are artefacts in which material has been erased and replaced with new material, we also have come to realize that traces remain of what was there before. No matter how permissive the manner in which an effacement of an artefact occurs, it it is the matter of an effacement which is also prohibitive. Indeed, it is the prohibitive manner in which the artefact is rubbed smooth that ensures that while an effacement of the artefact has occurred, that which has been erased has nevertheless not been defaced. In other words, that which has been erased, has never been a defacement of that which is no longer visible. A palimpsest is rubbed smooth, however it is not rubbed away. There remains beneath the surface of the new material a semblance of the previous material that has never been marred or disfigured.
In consequence, the behavioural scientist or the management researcher must have the permission to erase stereotypes of specific types of individuals or certain ways of doing things, and at the same time prohibit an outcome that fails to recognize past reference to former participant observers. For, in a world abundant in apt metaphors and aphorisms,one helps the market in a business climate where a rising tide lifts and nothing is new under the sun.
Bottom, W. P. & Zhang, Z. The Palimpsestic Syndrome In Management Research:Stereotypes And The Obliteration Process., 2015. Web. 2, Mar.2015.
Garfield, E. “The ‘Obliteration Phenomenon’ In Science - And The Advantage Of Being Obliterated”. Current Contents December 22, 5-7, 1975.
Macrae, C.N., & Bodenhausen, G. V. “Social Cognition: Thinking Categorically About Others” In Annual Review Of Psychology, 2000, pp. 51; 93-120.
Merton, R.K. See eds. B. Corin & H.B. Atkins. “Input To The Sociology Of Science: A Retrospective Collage” The Web Of Knowledge: A \Festchrift In Honour Of Eugene Garfield. Information Today: Medford, NJ, 2000. pp. 435-448.
Sills, D.L. & Merton, R. K. Eds. “Social Science Quotations”. Vol.19 of The International Encyclopedia Of The Social Sciences. New York:Macmillan, 1991.
3.A Peace Of Mind For The Proactive And Reactive Approach
A Criticism Of Sadruddin Boga’s “Thought Piece”
The attractiveness of a proactive or reactive member of the team to an employer is left to the decisions of a management leader who allocates employees to positions within the company where everyone shall succeed. The approaches of this style is responsive to the predictions and presages of employees who are hard at work.
When discussing these two tendencies in the workplace, one is often led to distinguish two approaches to work-task with respect to the twentieth century origin of the word proactive, as a person or action that creates or controls a situation rather than responding to it after it has happened, and, in contrast, a reactive approach is one that responds to a situation rather than creating or controlling it. In a memorandum of office personnel containing both words, returns the requirement of a proactive rather than a reactive approach. In leadership roles, the proactive approach is attractive; one controls and creates, and if proven, one is advanced in the workplace; whereas, the reactive approach is often delegated to an administration of the proactive leader’s project.
This delegation to an administration of the leader’s creativity and control, has overlooked a primary sense of meaning given to the reactive approach; that is, one of this kind shows a response to a stimulus. Moreover, as delegated to an administrative position under the proactive leadership of an employee or employer, it does not always follow that the reactive person is stimulated by that leader’s proactive approach. The word stimulus is primarily defined as a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue; and, at times, under certain stimuli one may hear the fugue of J. S. Bach’s organ, and create and take control, while in response to a stimulus which presents itself to be an awful day, they may appreciate the comfort of a tissue at hand. To feel a stimulus in an organ or tissue also evokes the functional reaction in the reactive employee who exclaims “I can feel it in my blood!” In fact, they may often delegate responsibility to the proactive employee, whose responsibilities are to take action on the spur of the moment and react to a new leader’s decision, in respect to a market foretold.
With respect to this forecasting potential, some words about the liability of “our forecast” is noted:
Our forecast is limited to the projection of the past into the future with its inherent propensity to repeat the past, albeit with some incremental improvements… Our consciousness that drives our actions is shaped by a problem-solving construct based on cause-and-effect or stimulus-and-response, and therefore is mechanistic. [Boga, 2006]
With respect to Boga’s characterization of a mechanistic reactive approach that responds to stimuli, involving problem-solving, and cause-and-effect, he dismisses from the business of leadership, good market research, and the rubrics of effective strategy, in both the proactive and reactive approach to any outlook. In regards to the incremental repetition in the theatre of comedy and tragedy, one is particularly prone to mechanical behaviour in examples of each of those plays. It is a student of literary studies’ font that a fool of comedy is mechanically encrusted by a law that everyone else knows, but only a fool forgets and thereby transgresses that law; furthermore, it is the hubris of the tragic hero, that causes the tragic fool of this drama, to become mechanically encrusted in response to a law that no one shall ever know, but in a flaw the fool believes he must know and transgresses, furthermore. Everyone must be mechanistic to some extent in order to repeat one’s work task; cause-and-effect market tests are the business leaders’ future results by trial and error; problem-solving is why the pro-active employee takes control and is creative, and it is why the reactive employee can at times hear an organ or require to be handed a tissue by one close at hand; the “inherent propensity” to repeat the time-honoured past establishes a tradition of mores for a company, and informs its mission-statement; and finally, pertaining to “incremental improvement,” the future of an employee’s term to advancement in a company, or that company’s future may or may not be an improvement, however it is a fortune governed by incremental law, that is the repetitious resolve to keeping past-performance up, which has once demonstrated itself to be an asset to the company. This improvement may be only in an efficiency the day’s business acquires, and not necessarily a capital gain.
With respect to forecasting, which is never foreknowledge, one may only rely on the prognostifications of the employee at hand, who analyses the corners of business, the proven market indicators, or array of prognifics; and thereby prognostificates a future outlook. [Ramsey, 2015] Or, one is nonetheless a prognosticator, who foretells by the presage of what came before, that which has likely been told once again.
Boga, Sadruddin. 'Ongoing Discussion "Thought Piece''. N.p., 2006. Web. 3 Mar. 2015.
Ramsey, B. A.; A Precis Of Prognifics As Clarification Of Prognosis In Our Studies Of Medical Science via @academia
B. A. Ramsey
You Are A Gentlewoman and A Scholar!
There is now an old poet named Bess,
That to a scholar like me counts for less,
She was my true honey,
But things weren’t so funny,
When I received an erotic from young Tess.
Quigley, John. “The Poetess” in Miscellaneae. Nantucket: The Red Hearts Limerick Club, 1893
Regarding a poetic movement that has tested the transgender concept of “liminality”, that requires only the superficial understanding of what any university would designate in their undergraduate handbook as courses offered in economics, or those pertaining to ecology, it would seem almost anyone in the University of Western Australia can get considered for a doctorate.
Respecting Marthe Reed A. M., M. A., a doctoral candidate in that institution, and concerning the first few words of her essay that is presently cited, one wonders that if the scholar were in a liminal place-moment, rather than the usual crop, he would articulate this scholastically, at his own discretion; however, it would necessarily be his own, be it as scholar or poet - or indeed, a woman as such - his, own discretion to articulate this to another at his own opportunity. If Marthe Reed would like to discuss her own place in which during some moments she ever had a liminal place-moment, or not, would the author of a short limerick, be the poetess she confided in. No, I suppose not.
I wonder who would mark her work, down under!
Reed, Marthe. 'The Poem As Liminal Place-Moment: John Kinsella, Mei-Mei Bersenbrugge, Christopher Dewdney And Eavan Boland'. N.p., 2015. Web. 2 Mar. 2015.
R. Thornton ed. Poetry of the 1890’s. - : Penguin Ltd., 1998.
Abstract: It is time to return to the gentler time of Horse and Carriage, the musket, and the sword. ships with sail, and no power of flight, with the exception of the hot-air balloon, for the purpose of recreation and navigation.
In his book entitled The Great Crisis, Winston Churchill discussed the arms race between Germany and England in the events leading up to World War I. It was primarily a naval race according to Churchill. The ships used at the time were coal burning. The problem with this was that ships could not travel great distances for long periods of time without coming back to shore to replenish themselves with coal. There was also a limit to the size of the vessels - and therefore the size and range of the guns on board – due to the man power required to supply coal to the engines. Consequently, coal would no longer give England the competitive edge they needed.
What seemed to be a great step forward at the time came with the suggestion that oil could be used to fuel the ships. Oil was much cleaner and did not require the manpower to constantly fuel the engines. Also, a ship that was powered by oil could stay off shore for longer periods of time and achieve greater distances. Because the ship did not require the great manpower to fuel the engines that coal did, bigger ships could be built with bigger guns that had greater range. The problem was England's current oil deposits would not suffice for the fleet in the event of war.
In the last hundred years, the need for reliable oil deposits has led nations such as England outside of their geopolitical borders, which has led to greater communication and conflict with some parts of the world in order to satisfy the dependency on that fuel. The question is has this been an improvement? Furthermore, is it time to stop our dependency on oil.
One of the principles in Sun Tzu's The Art of War was that horses and oxen were good implements in the time of war and in times of peace were good because they could be used to manure and plough the fields. Oil run ships and vehicles do not have that sustainability, however. They may be highly effective in times of war, but in times of peace they are costly and detrimental to our environment. This problem has become a crisis we face now.
The need for a renewable source of energy or fuel has led us back to the drawing board in times of late, and has inspired the imagination and ingenuity of some of our greatest leaders in industries that have in the last hundred years relied on oil as a fuel and source of energy. No one is certain what the future will bring, yet there has been little promise in environmental sustainability and cost effectiveness, and not a small amount of naivety. In the last five years Toyota released a commercial stressing its commitment to satisfying a demand to finding a renewable and clean source of fuel for its cars, and said that they were even researching the possibility that water could be used to fuel their engines. Water is used in times of war and peace, yet there is a definite uncertainty that it is a sustainable but rather a scarce resource. Imagine the expense of that commodity if we were presented with an opportunity cost of driving our car to work or quenching our thirst. We would remain at the drawing board until someone gave Sun Tzu a chance and we did away with cars and the modern implements of war for horses and oxen.
Griffith. Sun Tzu The Art of War. OUP 1963.
Parker. The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare 2008.